Thursday, February 11, 2010

Global Warming, God's Call, New Orleans Saint's Super Bowl Win and Relying on God and Not Yourself

Well that title contains a whole list that seems like a bunch of things with different levels of possibility.

Global Warming - I am not so sure about that. It is snowing like crazy in parts of the south today, particularly in Louisiana. In light of the falsified reports on the nightly news about the subject, my doubts continue to rise. I think God intended for us humans to be good stewards of this planet. I don't think global warming or the lack there of should even be a factor. It all started with Adam and he was given stewardship over the garden and the animals. Nothing has changed in all these centuries. We should not waste anything and we should make good choices when we can that protect our environment and our future. However, God gave us freewill and the ability to make choices to help humans. So if making changes puts hundreds of people out of work and they go hungry, I don't think that is the answer either. I think we must take any decisions like that very seriously and pray about them. Obviously, in some situations a win-win scenario is probable. With new innovations in technology, the goal of a greener planet should be more likely. It is something which we should truly strive to accomplish.

God's Call - I truly believe God's call is for everyone and that the biggest problem we have is that we aren't listening. Many are called but many aren't listening is my paraphrase. If you would have asked me years ago, if I would have ever considered going into the ministry? I would have said that you were crazy. My lack of speaking abilities are only rivaled by Moses. I don't think God will send me Aaron but I believe he will bless me with all the talents and abilities I need to do his will.

New Orleans Saint's Super Bowl Win - I often heard that when this happened that Hell would have to freeze over. Did you happen to notice that it is snowing in Louisiana today? Wow, that Global Warming thing (mentioned earlier), boy that is some scary stuff. As soon as I get these mittens off my hands were I can type better, I will write more on the subject. Okay, maybe not.

Relying on God and Not Yourself - This one falls under the most likely not to happen. We are raised in this society to believe that we are self sufficient. We are all born and raised to be winners or atleast really good competitors. Well, as I have learned from so many failures, I am not anything like that old Mack Davis song. The song goes like this.. "It hard to be humble when you’re perfect in every way". Our parents, our friends and society puts pressure on us to be our best. Often that is at the cost of others. I do not disagree that we should all strive to be our best. I just think we need to place more emphasis on putting God first and doing God's will first. That, my friends is much easier said than done. Whenever you think that task is too hard remember these things.

God always blesses those who do his will.

Living that way can greatly reduce the amount of worries in your life, because you turn them over to Him.

Finally, look at what He did for us. Look at the sacrifice. He gave his only Son who had no sin to become sin for you and me. He allowed Him to die on a cross so that we could be saved.

I don't think anything that God could ever expect of us could be too much to ask!


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